The Best Dinner Rolls Ever

Cover Image for The Best Dinner Rolls Ever

A good recipe for The Best Dinner Rolls Ever is always a must-have in your recipe book. Whether you are organizing a family get together, hosting a party, or preparing a holiday spread, dinner rolls set the table complete. There is nothing quite like baking homemade bread that’s fluffy as clouds that melt in your mouth. This recipe uses rapid rise instant yeast, which means there is no waiting time of endless hours for the dough to rise. If you want, you can add dough enhancer to this recipe which helps in tenderizing the gluten in bread and gives it the elasticity required in soft bread. You can find dough enhancer at your local grocery or baking store. If not you can easily find it online as well. The rest of the bread ingredients include everyday items like flour, butter eggs etc.

TOP Reviews:

I made these this year for Thanksgiving and everyone loved them! My mother-in-law who is an awesome baker really liked them too. I’m baking the last of what I had stored in the freezer for the leftovers today. Thank you for sharing a great recipe!

Oh my I just finished up making a 2nd batch of these rolls for today! These are by far the best tasting and best looking rolls I’ve made in a long time. I just doubled the sugar and wow these rolls turned out great! As my grandmother would say, “You put your foot in creating this recipe for rolls.

I’ve been using your roll recipe for a year now and they are absolutely delicious! A problem I’ve been having though is that they fall a little flat once i start to bake them and they don’t brown in the cook time reccomended. Any ideas as to what I’m doing wrong or missing? They get so big and fluffy during the rise time so it still throws me off every time that they fall. I use rapid rise yeast, could that have anything to do with it?


4 -5 cups all purpose flour
2 tbsp rapid rise, instant yeast
1/3 cup granulated sugar…
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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