Sweet Southern Carrot Cake Is A Moist And Delightful Treat!

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This Is What Happens When You Have The Best Carrot Cake Recipe In The World!

I don’t know about you guys and gals but I sure do enjoy a nice, thick slice of country carrot cake. There are many ways to make this decadent cake but my fave would have to be the southern way which includes raisins and walnuts tossed into the mix. Talk about a little slice of heaven on a plate! The frosting in this recipe is homemade and tastes like a sweet cream cloud of happiness.

Whenever I see a picture of carrot cake in a magazine layout or on TV it always looks extravagant and very hard to make. Usually, carrot cake is layered but this recipe is not. All you need is a 9×13 pan.

If I can make this delectable dessert anyone can ?

When I was a child I used to think carrot was horrible, however, I came to this conclusion without ever trying it! I just assumed that any cake with a vegetable in it would be bogus. Boy, was I ever wrong! I am so glad I got over my finicky ways and gave into the gloriousness of carrot cake. You are going to absolutely LOVE this recipe.

Check out what my friend Barb had to say about this recipe:
I’ve made plenty of carrot cakes in my day but this recipe literally tops them all. I guess you could say that it “takes the cake”!

I have to agree with Barb on that notion!
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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