Peanut Butter Fudge Swirl Brownies

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All natural peanut butter is so much better for you than the regular stuff. I do not mean it to sound healthy, because I do not like it for that reason, at all. I mean, sure it is a perk, but definitely not why I chose to stick with it. However, I have to say why I love it: the flavor is just SO much better! I personally prefer the honey roasted peanut butter and you can feel that grainy peanut butter in your mouth with a full-fledged honey flavor. It is just the best, in my opinion, especially for making peanut butter fudge swirl brownies.
Well, ever since I discovered it, I have been trying to figure out a way to incorporate it into more of my recipes. Whether that may be desserts or savory dishes, I have tried to incorporate it in many ways. My favorite so far though, has been this recipe for peanut butter fudge swirl brownies. It is a classic chewy, fudgy brownie, but it is topped with a peanut butter frosting unlike any other. The peanut butter is not salty because I have honey roasted peanut butter so the sweetness shines through beautifully. Try to find yourself a nice sweet peanut butter and you will see the wonders it can make in your baking!

If you do not have that sweet honey roasted all natural peanut butter nearby, do not worry. Give this a try anyway with the peanut butter you do have and add a teaspoon of honey to sweeten it. It will definitely give you an idea of how delicious this can possibly be! You will be thrilled (and so will your family) when you see what an amazing batch of peanut butter fudge swirl brownies you can come up with simply using all natural peanut butter!

These are my new favorite peanut butter fudge swirl brownies. The fudgy peanut butter topping is simply the best!
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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