Blueberry Crumb Cake (A Fun, Tasty, Homemade Sweet Cake By Yours Truly)

Cover Image for Blueberry Crumb Cake (A Fun, Tasty, Homemade Sweet Cake By Yours Truly)

When it comes to blueberry crumb cake, grandma ain’t playin’ around.

I don’t know about you ladies and gentlemen but I love a good crumb cake. I also love crumb cake that includes some sort of berry. Today, we will be making blueberry crumb cake and it couldn’t be any more delicious if it tried. Can a crumb cake try? LOL Now, if you have a blueberry bush outside of your house or you know of a wild growing patch, by all means, go grab ’em up for this recipe.
However, if you need to trot your happy little behind down to the grocery store, don’t sweat it. This blueberry crumb cake will taste amazing no matter where you get your berries from ?

Are you super stoked to get this wonderful recipe in your possession? Great! I’ll end your waiting by guiding you over to the next page (just click the link below). Once there, you’ll have all the details on how to make this amazing dish. Happy baking!

The topping on this blueberry crumb cake is my favorite part, by far. I love using freshly picked blueberries in this recipe. I have a bush just outside my house and when the berries come in my kids and I are busy picking them. Blueberries make such a lovely treat for more than one reason. Of course, if all you have are store-bought blueberries those will work just fine, too. I always try to freeze some of the blueberries that I pick during summer so that I have them on hand for fall and winter baking.
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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