Old Fashioned Home Made Chicken & Dumplings

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1. DUMPLINGS;…..In a small mixing bowl add eggs to the melted butter. Whisk…..Take half of a shell and add milk to it six times….pour into egg mixture. Add in salt and pepper. Start mixing in the flour a little at a time. You want the dough to be rather sticky. Add a couple of drops of yellow food coloring to give it a rich looking blend. Heap about 2 cups of flour onto a wooden board or counter. Using a Tablespoon, add about a cup of the mixture to the center of the flour. Start incorporating the flour and the dough until you can roll it out and it doesn’t stick. Roll very thin. Using a pizza cutter, cut strips of the dough and add to the hot chicken and broth. Make sure it is boiling rapidly and that you have plenty of broth to keep your dumplings from scorching. Turn down to low while you make the next batch. It’s easier to roll out using small batches than trying to roll it all out at one time. After you have added the last dumpling,Stir very gently. Remove from heat and place a lid on the pot. Let set for 10 minutes or so before serving.

2. CHICKEN AND BROTH…..This should actually be step one: Place chicken breast with skin in dutch oven and cover with water. Add a stick of butter or margarine and two packages or spoonfuls of chicken boullion. Cook over medium heat until chicken is tender, about 45 minutes….Let chicken cool. Remove skin and bones and discard. Chop chicken into bite size pieces. I don’t put mine back into the broth until after the dumplings have cooked.

From: https://www.justapinch.com/recipes/main-course/chicken/old-fashioned-home-made-chicken-dumplings.html

One comment


Shirley says:

2018-01-16 05:41:09

Make it easier to get the recipes.
Thank u

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