Old-Fashioned Amish Six Layer Casserole – So Simple Your Grand Kids Could Make It!

Cover Image for Old-Fashioned Amish Six Layer Casserole – So Simple Your Grand Kids Could Make It!

My Grandpa never spent a lot of time in the kitchen. He was a hardworking farmer that was usually gone from the time the sun came up in the morning until it went down at night. Once in a while though, if he knew the grand kids were coming over, he would take a break from the fields and come and spend some time with us. If Grandma wasn’t going to be around, he would get in the fridge and see what he could whip together for us, because as kids, we were always hungry.
His favorite thing to make was a dish that his Mom used to make all the time called a six layer casserole. It was very old fashioned, but very tasty at the same time. I could just eat and eat and eat until I felt like I was going to explode. I just loved when he would make it.
I found a very similar recipe to his, well to Great-Grandma’s recipe on Recipe Lion not long ago. I was a little apprehensive about making it for my husband, but I decided to see how it would go over. He loved it. The leftovers were just as good too!

Recipe courtesy of Recipe Lion. Photo credits to Pinterest.

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