Potluck Chicken

Cover Image for Potluck Chicken

I was looking for an easy potluck chicken casserole to make for last night’s potluck and found this one. I added some vegetables but otherwise made as instructed. It was very popular at the dinner, and I really enjoyed it myself. It was easy and really worked for me!

When you bring a dish to a potluck, you want it to be good. Not just good… you want it to be the kind of good that people go on and on about, the kind of good that brings in half a dozen requests for the recipe, the kind of good that leaves the serving dish licked clean. I imagine that Miriam (whoever she may be) called this recipe Potluck Chicken because it’s just that kind of dish. It’s comforting and hearty with a sauce that’s creamy and rich in earthy, herby flavor. And it’s easy. And it feeds a crowd. Perfect for a potluck.

Really simple to make. Made as directed but added some grated cheddar cheese and celery.

I found the recipe in a box of old handwritten recipe cards. There are some gems in there, but there are a lot – A LOT – of baked chicken casserole dishes. You know, the ones that involve a can of condensed whatever soup? But this baked chicken dish used real ingredients and looked rather delicious so I put it at the top of the stack to try. I’ve been cooking my way through some of the recipes, I call it the Recipe Tin Project. You can read more about the contents of the tin and the project on the first post here.

Very easy and quick to make, especially if you cook up a bunch of chicken breasts at once like I do.

Compared to some of the other cards in the box, this one is illustrated rather simply. (There’s one card that’s bright orange and looks like a giant chicken with lines across its body where the recipe is written.) Most of the other cards list out ingredients and steps in bulleted form, but this one has flowing handwriting that incorporates the ingredients into the instructions, almost like a little recipe story. In the printable recipe below though, I’ve included an ingredients list and step-by-step instructions for ease of use.

We made this twice, first time my dh made it and cooked the chicken plain. He didn’t care for it too much, called it “bland”. So I made it again this time the chicken had been cooked in garlic, onion and paprika suddenly this was a good dinner! 😉 I like how easy it is and I’m sure dh can make it again, this time seasoning the chicken. I bet this would be a good use for leftover grilled chicken, especially if it got a little dry on the grill.

It’s a simple and rustic dish. You coat some chicken in flour and brown it before making up a quick pan sauce that the chicken will then bake in. And that sauce is gooood. Miriam notes to “serve with rice or noodles,” and she’s right, a carby bed to soak up that sauce is a really good plan. The dish is kind of like a baked chicken stroganoff, but the rosemary adds a nice earthy component brightens it up a bit. I loved it.


8 chicken breasts
1 lb mushrooms, sliced
1/2 cup all-purpose flour

To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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