Mom Makes The BEST Pecan Apple Bundt Cake

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If there is one dessert I cannot turn away, it is an apple flavored dessert. Yep, whether it actually has apples, is a fake with just some apple extract (is that a thing?) or just has apple juice, I am a sucker for all things apple (especially with vanilla ice cream over the top!). I mean, just ask my waist.
It will definitely tell how much apple desserts I actually eat. Well, the goodness of apple desserts is something I like to make at home because if not I will spend a fortune at the supermarket keeping my apple sweets stocked.

This past week was a teacher planning day at school, so my granddaughter Alexa came over to spend the night. I had promised her we would make an apple cake because I know she likes apples as much as I do. She was thrilled at the idea so she gladly came and was excited for the following morning so we could make the cake.

Well, we were so excited, we decided to make it that night to eat a slice while watching Eloise at The Plaza. Oh goodness, gracious, thank God I had Alexa to share this with or I would have eaten the whole thing by myself. It was so good, I now cannot get enough!

We made this cake exactly as the recipe instructed us to. It was quite delicious, chock full of nuts and with loads of apple pieces throughout. The next time we made it, we varied it a bit. We added raisins, took out half of the nuts and added a bit of nutmeg. It was just as good. The last time we made it, we added some cream to the sauce over the top and it was luscious like a glaze. Every single time I have made this goodness, it has turned out beautifully. I absolutely love having this every single day!
Oh my goodness, my mouth is watering. This sounds positively delightful!

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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