Make Another Winner: Strawberry Coffee Cake

Cover Image for Make Another Winner: Strawberry Coffee Cake

How To Become A Potluck Superstar – Bring This Cake!
When myself and a few friends that I used to work with all retired from the same workplace within a few years of each other, it didn’t take long to realize how bored we were.
Granted, we were happy that we weren’t working anymore, but there was just something about sitting around all day, with no-one to talk to, that made us all feel pretty lonely. It’s not that we didn’t enjoy the company of our husbands – but you know how it is. We missed all the girl-talk! We decided that we were going to spend a few days together doing something fun each month.
So we planned for a special cooking day. We all love to cook and we figured it would be the perfect way to spend some time together and catch up on things. I like to be busy, so just sitting around chatting isn’t necessarily my cup of tea.
One day, my friend Penny brought in a recipe for strawberry coffee cake that she had found over at Cully’s Kitchen. I had always used my Mom’s recipe which was pretty close to this one, but honestly, this one is so much better.

Recipe and image courtesy of Cully’s Kitchen.

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