Strawberry Cream Cheese Cobbler

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I recently saw a recipe online for strawberry cream cheese cobbler. Well, this is my version. It is awesome!

I loved it, and was not difficult to make. Now my kids 19 and 22 were a little more critical than me. So I told them to get a job.

This was such a great easy recipe! Im on weight watchers so I made a few tweeks. Instead of using 1/2 cup of melted butter I just thinly greased the pan with the edge of a stick of room temp unsalted butter. About 20grams in measurement. Also I used the same measurement for flour but used white whole wheat (look it up! Its whole wheat flour but has the texture and taste of white flour – you can find it at any health store). I only had frozen blueberries on hand so I used that. To get more flavor and less calories I stirred 1 tbs of brown sugar and 1 tsp of pure vanilla into the 4oz cream cheese then put it into a ziploc bag cut the bottom corner and squeezed it out in a swirl shape on top of the fruit and batter. The entire pan of cobbler is 33 points! So at 12 servings thats only 2 1/2 points each!!


1 stick ( 1/2 cup) butter
1 egg, lightly beaten
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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