How to pick the best watermelon

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The boy ones are taller and shall we say, with a longish shape, and the girl ones are round, just like a ball.

If you happen to pick an elongated watermelon, it will be more watery, but if you are looking for a sweet watermelon, then you should definitely choose a round, girl watermelon.

4. It is in the common sense of the people that the bigger the watermelon, the better it tastes. Well, unfortunately, you are going to have to erase that thought from your mind completely.

The reality is that the best watermelons are those of an average size, so there is not a particular way to pick a watermelon if you choose only by looking at how big or small they are.

5. Finally, we have the tail of the watermelon. It is the sole indicator for the ripeness of this fruit.

If the watermelon has a green and fresh tail, it means that it is picked up too soon and it will probably not taste as good as you expect it to. But, if the tail is dried up, it guarantees you the best of taste!

We hope that we have helped you pick the watermelon of your taste, and remember, you can’t judge a book by its cover, but you can definitely pick a watermelon from its appearance!


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