Feeding a Crowd this Summer? Make a Ton of Corn At Once With This “Redneck” Method

Cover Image for Feeding a Crowd this Summer? Make a Ton of Corn At Once With This “Redneck” Method

It’s not a summer cook-out without fresh corn-on-the-cob, but making a bunch of it for a lot of people can get a little tricky. If you’ve got a hoard descending on your yard for any summer holiday this year, you could panic or spend all day over the grill — or you could turn to Donald Boling.

He’s sharing his technique for “Redneck Cooler Corn,” and it’s a home-grown genius way to make lots of corn-on-the-cob for everybody while still enjoying the day. It’s truly brilliant!

Don’s family is throwing a Memorial Day party in their backyard and his wife is monitoring the grill, which is probably filled with the likes of hot dogs and hamburgers. But, by the sounds of it, the family has a lot of guests celebrating the holiday — which means lots of food needs to be made.

To help her free up a few burners and therefore cook more food for their hungry guests, Don takes it upon himself to cook up the corn in the coolest way. It doesn’t require an oven or a grill, just a few simple materials.

Here’s what you’ll need to try your own cooler corn:

  • Regular Plastic Cooler
  • Corn-on-the-cob
  • 2 Sticks of Butter
  • Salt
  • 3 Pots of Boiling Water

Start by shucking all the corn you want and snapping each ear in half. (You have to see the adorable little girl helping Ron snap an ear of corn over her leg, it’s pretty impressive!) Then once all the silk has been cleared off the corn, put the halves in a regular plastic cooler, one that you might have hanging around your garage as we speak.

Watch Video instruction in the Next Page …

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