Grandma’s Cabbage Burgers!

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I love when my Mom and Grandma would make these. It was always a special treat. I make this an all day event when i make them due to the fact i make 5 dozen and freeze them… which turns out to be a waste of time with the kids running to the freezer every day saying “dont worry bout me for supper mom im just gonna grab a cabbage burger” Here in Nebraska we have a fast food place called Runza and when i explain to my friends what a Cabbage Burger is they say “oh you mean a Runza?” and the debate starts they are 2 totally different things and not anywhere close to the same!!



6 lb hamburger (I use deer or elk)
salt and pepper to taste
garlic salt to taste
5 Tbsp minced garlic
2 large onions
4 medium cabbage heads
5 loaves of bread dough
I have one person try these that stated they added cubes of potatoes to the filling as well!

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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