Farm Folk Beef And Noodle Supper: A One-Pot Wonder

Cover Image for Farm Folk Beef And Noodle Supper: A One-Pot Wonder

This is one of those recipes that bring folks together.
Seriously, have you ever had a disagreement with someone and you talked things out over food? Food brings people together and helps us rekindle old flames, squash disputes, and gives us a chance to spend time with the ones we love. Amish beef and noodles is a one-pot meal that will put a smile on the grumpiest person’s face. The tender meat, the juices, the noodles…so perfect! This recipe is a ten.

I found this meal idea over on the Get Me cooking blog and boy am I ever glad that I did. The ingredients are simple and the end result is delicious. This is one of those meals that tastes the best after a churcg service, long day at school, or a hard day’s work.
I bet your curiosity is piqued about this recipe, yes? Flip on over to the next page for the yummy details!

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