Ever Been Annoyed By Those Pesky Strings On Bananas? As It Turns Out, They Actually Have A Pretty Interesting Purpose

Cover Image for Ever Been Annoyed By Those Pesky Strings On Bananas? As It Turns Out, They Actually Have A Pretty Interesting Purpose

After doing a little research, I learned that this part of the banana actually plays a pretty vital role in the growth and development of a banana. They have a rather interesting name: phloem bundles. These bundles have a specific task to deliver adequate nutrients throughout a banana’s entirety, much like how an umbilical cord functions for babies in the womb. Check out the fascinating video below to learn more about the uses of the phloem bundles. After seeing it, are you on the “I’m okay with them” side of the fence or on the “get them away as soon as possible”?

SOURCE: allcuteallthetime.com

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