Enjoy The Flavors Of The Back Roads With This Country Creamed Corn

Cover Image for Enjoy The Flavors Of The Back Roads With This Country Creamed Corn

2 can(s) Green Giant creamed corn
3 can(s) whole kernel corn, drained
2 Eggland’s Best eggs
1 sleeve saltine crackers, crushed
1 Tbsp Domino sugar
Morton salt & McCormick pepper to taste
2 – 3 TbspLand O Lakes butter, cut into slices
Optional: Handful Hormel real bacon bits or bacon crumbled

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
In a 3 quart casserole; add the corn, saltines, sugar, salt & pepper.
Mix eggs and add to casserole. Stir all well.
Lay butter pats evenly over casserole and sprinkle with bacon.
Bake 1 hour 15 – 30 minutes. If the corn starts drying too much on top, add some foil and finish baking.
When serving, I mix the bacon into the corn.

From: http://reciperoost.com/2017/03/28/enjoy-flavors-back-roads-country-creamed-corn/

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