Eat This 2-Ingredient Pancake Every Morning And Watch Your Body Fat Disappear

Cover Image for Eat This 2-Ingredient Pancake Every Morning And Watch Your Body Fat Disappear


2 eggs
1/2 cup of ripe, finely mashed bananas
You can also add little Cinnamon (optional)

Method of preparation:

In a bowl, place the bananas and the eggs, and mix them well to prepare the batter. Then, place a pan over medium heat, and pour a quarter of the mixture on it.

As soon as it starts bubbling, flip it, and cook it on the other side as well, but shortly. The prepared amount is enough for 5 pancakes, so repeat this procedure until you make them all.

And that is it!

If you are doing daily cardio exercises and replace bread with this pancakes you will notice amazing results in your weight loss process.

Now, enjoy your delicious protein pancakes, which will promote weight loss and heart health, and provide various other health benefits!


Sources and References:
Other included sources linked in The Hearty Soul’s article:
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