Eye 5
You are a walking conundrum. Nobody can figure you out because you yourself are unsure about who you are. An unsolvable mystery, your mood swings in every direction, every other second of the day. You don’t talk much.
Eye 6
You are sensitive to detail. Nothing gets past you. You communicate your thoughts efficiently and you are not afraid to show emotion. You rarely let others close enough to sense your vulnerability. You are perceptive and can guess the future.
Eye 7
You are a vibrant creature. The fire that burns within you sometimes burns you because you act without thought. You are decisive and have loud opinions. Extremely energetic, there is much exaggeration in your actions.
Eye 8
You are authentic. There is nothing manufactured about you. Traditions, rules, and other people’s opinions are all water off your back. You say what you mean and you mean what you say. You have no qualms about stepping on toes and do not back down from putting your point across. You have the kind of personality where some are in awe of you, some are smitten with you but everyone wants to be you.
Eye 9
You are an empath. You can read people and the world like open books. Nobody can get away with anything on your watch, you can see a lie a mile off. You care about other people’s feelings and can sense their emotional state.
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Source: weightlossassistant.io
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