One School Told Parents Not To Bring Forgotten Items, And People Are Freaking Out

Cover Image for One School Told Parents Not To Bring Forgotten Items, And People Are Freaking Out

I cannot count how many times I showed up to school and then immediately realized I had forgotten something. Books, gym shoes, assignments, lunch, didn’t matter. More often than not, something was left on the kitchen counter.

I’ll admit, I wasn’t usually lucky enough to have a parent come and drop off what I had forgotten. Both my mom and dad left for work right after I left for school, but it would have been great if someone had been at home who could bring me my forgotten items.

One school in Arkansas decided that forgetting things at home was basically your own fault, and you shouldn’t be able to fix the problem.

Parents who showed up to drop off forgotten items were greeted with a sign telling them to leave, and it got a lot of people riled up.

When I saw the sign, I couldn’t blame them.

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