Bet You’ve Never Made Pancakes Like This Before – So Easy!

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1 box Betty Crocker pancake mix (or any brand – the amount needed depends on how many mouths you’re trying to feed)
syrup for the batter + a little more for drizzling on the top
Land O’ Lakes butter/ ice cream / whipped cream, for serving
slow cooker liner (optional)


Make the pancake batter according to your package instructions. The amount depends on how many servings you want to make. Add some syrup to the pancake batter (about ½-1 cup).
Pour the batter into your slow cooker. If you’d like to be able to remove the pancake easily in one piece, use a slow cooker liner. But it tastes just as good if you just scoop it out of the crock pot, onto your plate!
The slow cooker setting depends on the size of your slow cooker and the amount of the pancake batter. For a very small slow cooker 2 hours on high is good. If you’re using a larger slow cooker and and it’s shallow-filled, you may want to check on it after an hour.
When done, either lift the pancake out with the help of the slow cooker liner, or scoop out servings with a spoon.

From: tasteerecipe

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