9 Signs That Might Mean Menopause Has Started for You

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5-Weight Gain

bathroom scale

Though not every woman experiences weight gain during or after menopause, the lack of estrogen has been known to wreak havoc on the metabolism. That’s why doctors urge pre-menopausal women to practice healthy eating and exercise habits before they enter the phase.

6-Hot Flashes

Yet another “classic” symptom of menopause that can, unfortunately, last well over 10 years! Although hot flashes are part of life, researchers at the Mayo Clinic say that they tend to be worse in women who smoke or are obese.

7-Hair Loss

This can mean different things for different women. Some may notice more shedding, while others suffer from large bald spots. Either way, the problem can be helped by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If the sight of seeing your locks disappear is too much for you to handle, your doctor may choose to prescribe a medication that helps.

8-Loss of Breast Fullness . . .

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…or that dreaded “sagging”, as many women refer to it. Usually this progression happens slowly over time, and tends to be more dramatic in women who have had children. If you want to slow down or lessen the process, be sure to maintain a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.

9-Memory Loss

Quite possibly the most frightening point on our list, menopause has been attributed to giving some women what is affectionately referred to as “brain fog”. Menopausal gals may have trouble focusing, but if you are noticing that your memory loss is becoming more and more severe, it’s definitely time to see a doctor.

Geez. It ain’t easy being a woman, is it?!

Have you entered perimenopause or menopause? If so, what has your experience been like? Have you found any special ways to help alleviate the symptoms?

Source: Tiphero.com

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