11 Reasons Your Feet Are Aching

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6-Wearing the Wrong Shoes

We can’t emphasize this enough. High heels put undue stress on the balls of your feet and its arches leading to a condition called metatarsalgia. Flip flops and other shoes that don’t support the heel can force the toes into a bad position, causing corns, toe bone deformities, calluses, and injury. Wearing improper footwear during activities like running can impact circulation, the ankles, and bones of the foot.


Osteoarthritis usually hits people who are older. The joints in the foot wear down and become inflamed, affecting the heel, toe, and ankle the most. It may be painful to walk. Pain relievers, orthotic shoes, or weight management can help.

8-Ingrown Toenails

Painful and ugly, ingrown toenails are the result of the nail growing into the skin. Some causes include curved nails, tight footwear, and incorrect trimming. Certain athletic or dance activities also increase the risk of getting an ingrown nail. To help alleviate the tenderness and soreness, soak your foot in warm water. Treat the skin with an antibiotic ointment. For serious infections, see a doctor.

9-Stress Fracture

Stress fractures are sneaky. According to the Mayo Clinic, people may not notice they have one until the pain gradually manifests. When the bone is overtaxed and it’s constantly trying to repair itself from the stress, eventually the bone can become weakened and fracture. Common causes include sports, malnutrition, flat feet, strenuous activity, or osteoporosis. To treat it, doctors recommend a boot or crutches.

10-Achilles Tendonitis

There are two forms of this condition, but see a physician for a proper diagnosis. Runners experience this but it can happen to anyone. Your Achilles tendon runs from the calf muscles down to the heel. Pain often shows up in the heel area, but can affect the ankle and entire tendon.

Ouch! Tight muscles can put too much strain on the Achilles, leading to injury. It’s suggested to stretch the area by using the ball of the foot to prevent it from occurring. Ice packs and compression therapy can be used to treat it at home. In some cases, surgery is necessary.

12-Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma is the result of tissue and nerve inflammation in the ball of your foot. Pain feels sharp and may be concentrated between the toes. It may also feel like something is in your shoe. Numbness, tingling, or a burning feeling that moves from the ball to the toes are common symptoms.

Causes include pressure, injury, athletic activities, fallen arches, or bunions. Changing your footwear can help, as can supportive insoles. Serious cases might require treatment by a physician.

 If your foot pain is constant and unbearable, see a podiatrist! Surgery may not always be the answer as simple behavioral changes can make a huge difference.

Do you suffer from chronic foot pain? Do you only get foot pain for beauty reasons? How do you treat your condition?


Mayo Clinic

Ortho Info



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