10 Things You Should Never Put In A Microwave

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5. Brown Paper Bags

5. Brown Paper Bags
According to the USDA, cooking in a paper bag in any device can result in toxins from ink or recycled materials in the paper releasing into your food. It can also start a fire, especially in the intense heat of the microwave. Just don’t do it!

6. Unlabeled Styrofoam

Like all other materials containing plastic, you’re going to want to check to see if the styrofoam is microwave-safe. Some styrofoam is, while others contain chemicals that will leach into your food. Harvard can’t stress enough how important it is to check the label.

7. A Whole Potato

7. A Whole Potato
If you don’t pierce the skin of a potato before you put it in the microwave, it just may explode on you. Much like the case with the whole egg, the steam needs a place to escape, as noted in a lecture from the University of Virginia.

A simple tip is to stab a raw potato with a fork a few times so that you don’t have any unnecessary messes or startling loud bangs coming from your kitchen.

8. Travel Mugs

8. Travel Mugs
Travel mugs are often made of stainless steel or plastic. As we’ve already established, metal does not go into the microwave, nor does plastic not clearly labeled as microwave-safe.

Travel mugs are for coffee on-the-go, but they aren’t always designed to reheat on-the-go. There’s a big difference.

9. Hot Peppers

9. Hot Peppers
Hot peppers can be a nightmare to cook, even though they are oh-so-delicious. If you touch the inside of a pepper and then touch your eyes, you’re going to be in big trouble.

Similarly, if you microwave hot peppers, the steam released will hold those same spicy particles. When you open the door, you could be met with a very spicy gust that gets into your eyes and throat. No fun.

10. Nothing At All

If you turn a microwave on with nothing inside of it, there’s nowhere for all of that energy to go. According to the University of Virginia’s website, when there is nothing to absorb the microwaves themselves, the magnetron will absorb as many as it emits.

This is very bad for the machine and can cause some serious damage.

Did you know about all of these microwave no-no’s? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!

SOURCE: littlethings.com/never-put-in-your-microwave

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