10+ Powerful Photos From Hurricane Harvey That Show The Devastating Power Of Nature

Cover Image for 10+ Powerful Photos From Hurricane Harvey That Show The Devastating Power Of Nature

Getting Home After A 49,5 Hour Shift Working Hurricane Harvey

Getting Home After A 49,5 Hour Shift Working Hurricane Harvey

A Rescue Helicopter Hovers In The Background As An Elderly Woman And Her Poodle Use An Air Mattress To Float Above Flood Waters From Tropical Storm Harvey While Waiting To Be Rescued From Scarsdale Boulevard In Houston, Texas

Isiah Courtney Carries His Dog Bruce Through Flood Waters In Beaumont Place, Houston, Texas

Alexendre Jorge Evacuates Ethan Colman, 4, From A Neighborhood Inundated By Floodwaters From Tropical Storm Harvey On Monday

Harris County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Carries Two Children To Safety

Harris County Sheriff's Office Deputy Carries Two Children To Safety

Houston Police SWAT Officer Daryl Hudeck Carries Catherine Pham And Her 13-Month-Old Son Aiden After Rescuing Them From Their Home Surrounded By Floodwaters From Tropical Storm Harvey In Huston

Houston Police SWAT Officer Daryl Hudeck Carries Catherine Pham And Her 13-Month-Old Son Aiden After Rescuing Them From Their Home Surrounded By Floodwaters From Tropical Storm Harvey In Huston

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