10 everyday habits that can damage our health

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5. Snacking

Eating when you’re not hungry can create all kinds of problems. Reader’s Digest (RD) points out that what’s generally snacked on is junk food, so unhealthy food is being consumed, causing weight to be gained, sodium to rise and cholesterol levels to go up.

6. Cell phones

Cell phones are great devices when used appropriately, but people are glued to them today. Cosmopolitan shares that when used before bed, the light from the cell phones or tablets triggers our brains to stay awake. If you should sleep, the quality of sleep will be worse than if you had simply turned off the device well before bedtime.

7. TV

Everyone likes to sit and watch a good movie, but RD points out that too much of a good thing can become bad. Sitting at the TV means you’re more prone to snack and less active. Use it wisely.

8. Vitamins

Taking vitamins is something many do without a second thought. WebMD states that as long as you don’t go pass FDA recommended allowances, you’ll be fine. Taking too much of certain vitamins and minerals can create serious health issues, though.

9. Skipping breakfast

Often people who are trying to control what they eat skip breakfast because they aren’t hungry or just don’t have time. RD says to make the time as skipping breakfast actually will cause you to gain weight. Eating something, and it can be small, tells your body it’s time to get going and triggers your metabolism. Without that trigger, you may end up gaining more than you lose.

10. Sleeping in

WebMD points out that although many people don’t get enough sleep during the week, sleeping in on the weekend may be worse than the sleep deprivation. By sleeping in, you throw off your body’s rhythm and can trigger headaches.

Some of these are surprising and will take some adjustments to break the habits and routines. With a little bit of self-discipline, though, you can help improve the quality of your life by getting rid of a few hurtful habits.

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Source & Photo: remedydaily.com

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