What’s Green, Cool, and Tart? These Mouth-Watering Lime Bars!

Cover Image for What’s Green, Cool, and Tart? These Mouth-Watering Lime Bars!

Prepare Yourself For An Explosion of Tropical Flavors

I bumped into Marcia at one of the coffee places I frequent downtown. I knew she lived somewhere nearby, but I lost all contact with her years ago so I didn’t get the chance to actually find out where she lived. It was a coincidence that I was trying to do my work in the coffee shop just as when she decided to buy herself a cup of coffee. I waved her over to my table and we had a bit of a talk, catching up with each other’s lives after all these years.

Anyway, I also found out that Marcia lived just a few minutes away from the coffee shop. So when she invited me to her house, I didn’t hesitate to come. We were greeted by her mom who was staying with her for the weekend. I knew her mom so we had a bit of a conversation too while Marcia busied herself in the kitchen.

When she appeared from the kitchen, she has this tray full of small plates laden with yellow bars which I later found out as lime bars. Her lime bars tasted so good and so fresh. The hint of lime was there, but it wasn’t overpowering. It’s just the right balance of tanginess and sweetness. If you want a similar recipe, please continue to the next page. I’m sure you will enjoy this.

This is perfect if you just want to serve a simple and easy dessert to your guests. It’s sweet and refreshing at the same time, which makes it perfect as an after-meal dessert or a dessert for a tea party. They will all love this, believe me. I am in love with this dessert mainly because of this very reason. Yes, it’s a dessert because it’s sweet, but it’s also refreshing at the same time because it’s lime.

When a dessert has this to offer, I find myself indulging more. You wouldn’t really get tired of its taste. In fact, you will crave for more.

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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