Vegetable Beef Soup-Stew

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Oh my, oh my. Is there anything as classic, as heartwarmingly nostalgic, as Vegetable Beef Soup?

It’s got to be right up there with chocolate chip cookies and apple pie in the list of “things that make us think of childhood.” Every winter I sift through my soup recipes and pick a few that I can make in big batches and freeze, to make sure I’ve got family-sized meals ready to go anytime. It’s one of my favorite winter traditions—and my family’s too.

This recipe for easy vegetable beef soup is about as perfect for that tradition as it gets my friends. It’s hearty, filling, yummy, and freezes darn well. My family loves to pull this soup out of the freezer on a cold winter day, and let the flavorful broth, beef, and veggies warm up our bones.

I’ve tried lots of versions of vegetable beef soup, Pioneer Woman’s is pretty good, but this recipe is my all-time favorite.

This soup is also great to serve with small gatherings—like book clubs or lunch meetings.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!


2 lbs Ground Hamburger
1 Can Corn (15oz)
1 Can Peas (15oz)
1 Can Green Beans (15oz)
1 Can Tomatoes diced (15oz)

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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