Toss Some Chicken And Noodles Into The Crock And Watch What Happens

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When my daughter was a senior in high school, it seemed like we were never home.
She always had some sort of event or activity going on, and we didn’t want to miss any of it. After all, the following year, she would be gone to college, and we wouldn’t have the opportunity to be around like that. So, whenever she said she had something to do, we all headed out to support her, as long as she wanted us there of course. That meant that we had a lot of meals on the road. We just didn’t have the time to cook anything at home most days. That was until I started taking advantage of my crock pot.
With her leaving in less than a year, I wanted her to be able to enjoy some home cooked meals instead of the fast food she was probably going to be eating way too often after she left.
When I found this recipe for creamy crock pot chicken on the web, I knew that we were going to love it. The cream cheese and chicken combination is one that we have always really liked.
So, one of those days that the schedule was filled right up, I made this in the morning. Then, when we got home that afternoon, dinner was ready to go. We actually sat down at the table and enjoyed it before heading out for evening activities.
It was nice to have some quality family time with her before she got so busy.

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