3 Natural Solutions to get rid the mold

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There is nothing mores unpleasant in a home than mold. In vain you have quality furniture and luxury finishes! If you have moisture and mold, your dream house turns into a nightmare!
Why you have mold and why is appearing again ? Conditions in which it appears: high humidity is the factor that causes mold. The normal humidity in a room is between 40% (winter) and 60% (summer).
A higher level of 80% can cause the appearance of mold.
Have you tried all the commercial products for mold, and still nothing? The results were for the moment, and after a while the nightmare started again? I will present you 3 natural solutions, homemade, that will promise better results.1. Pomegranate Seed Extract
The Pomegranate Seed Extract is not easily to found, but its effects are spectacular. Combine 20 drops of extract with approximately 500 ml of water in a spray bottle, mix thoroughly, apply, leave it, then clean. Repeat until you get the desired results.

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