This Apple Cake Is Fresh, Fancy, And FABULOUS!

Cover Image for This Apple Cake Is Fresh, Fancy, And FABULOUS!

A wonderful apple cake made with simple ingredients that you probably have in your kitchen pantry.
Every year, it seems like I have an overabundance of apples in the grove. Last year’s harvest rendered me over 500 pounds of the yummy sweet fruit! I have a freezer in the basement that is filled with bag after bag of chopped apples. So, here I find myself in the throes of winter and longing for a summer treat. Whatever shall I make? I know! Fresh apple cake! I found this recipe over on the Me Lady Cooks blog.
I try to create a monthly meal plan for my household and this particular dessert recipe is going in the rotation and staying there.
Now, if you’re saying to yourself, “Get on with it lady and show me the recipe!” I totally understand! So, without further ado, please hop on over to the next page and set your eyes on a complete list of ingredients and instructions. Enjoy!

This fresh apple cake recipe seriously caught my eye. For one, I love apples and for two, I love cake. LOL! When you take a bite of this cake you’ll notice how moist and sweet it is. It’s a satisfying feature that I am totally digging on. My husband and kids told me to keep on making this yummy cake because they love snacking on it. I have to say, I agree with them!
Check out what my pal over at Me Lady Cooks had to say about this amazing recipe:
I also want to note that the real name of the cake is fresh apple cake. Raw apple cake sounded wrong to me, like it wasn’t baked or something. Fresh is a more pleasant-sounding name and simply means there are no canned, tinny tasting apples in this cake! Only freshly chopped apples need apply.

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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