The Secret To Back Pain Is In Your Feet! The 5 Exercises That Fix Everything!

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4- Resisted Flexion

It works your tiny muscles in the foot, which is responsible for balance and in addition, tightens the muscles and prevents injuries.


–           Start sitting on the floor, straightening your feet in front and wrapping an exercise band around the bedpost.

–           Placing the band on the top of the feet, lean backward to tighten it.

–           Bending foot backward, hold for 5 seconds and rest a bit,

Perform 10 repetitions.

5- Ankle circles

This exercise helps you to get a proper flexibility and mobility of the ankles. When you overload the body you can experience to get tight and restricted ankles, which can lead to muscle and joint pain, as well as back, hip and knee pain.


–           Begin laying on the back,

–           Extend the leg over the head, and rotate it clockwise, counting to 10,

–           Repeat with another leg as well.


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