The Best Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe You’ll Ever Make

Cover Image for The Best Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe You’ll Ever Make

You’ll Never Go Back To Store-Bought Again!

One may think that I enjoy using chicken stock as a soup base the most but I really enjoy doing is having a mug of this stock up and sprinkling in some pink Himalayan salt into it and sipping on it. This is a great concoction for when you are feeling dehydrated as it quickly replenished lost electrolytes. You can also sip on this drink when you are feeling under the weather to quickly feel like your old self again.

See? Granny was right. Sipping on chicken soup is the best way to cure what ails you. Making this stock is easy and it’s even easier to preserve it by way of canning or freezing. Enjoy!

Have a comment about this recipe? Maybe you made it and want to share how tasty it was. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. I always love hearing from you ?

For a long time, I was buying my chicken stock from the grocery store. How silly of me! I never realized how easy it was to make my own. It’s honestly like hitting two birds (pardon the pun) with one stone. I get a lovely pot of broth plus a cooked chicken for dinner that same night. I really love this recipe and find it to be the best homemade chicken stock recipe on the web. It yields about 4 quarts of delicious stock.

I’ll place my stock into glass jars and preserve them using a water bath canner. They stay good when I put them up like this for a long time. You will always have fresh stock for making homemade soup. Yummo!
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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