The best Crazy Dough Recipe

Cover Image for The best Crazy Dough Recipe

TOP Reviews:

I made this bread today. It was wonderful. My husband ate it in about three minutes flat. Thank you for showing this recipe. Will make this at least once a week from here on out!

I made this crazy dough two times and it’s just so perfect. This recipe is so easy and thank you very much for sharing. I dont have yogurt but I use home made buttermilk (i use your recipe to make it). I fell in love with this crazy dough recipe and I’ll always have this in my fridge. My husband like the Nutella bread that I make. Thanks so much.

I made the cheesy bread with the crazy dough and it came out great! I am now making another one today! This is wonderful! I am looking forward to trying the cinnamon rolls with it when I have more time! Blessings!

This unique dough starts with the basics: flour, water, yeast and sugar. But it gets a texture and flavor boost from a few eggs and rich creamy yogurt. And like many of my doughs you do not need to mix this dough on a machine, you simply mix it by hand and let it ferment.

With this seriously crazy dough base you can add sweet or savory toppings and stuffings. You can roll, twist and bake this into a variety of shapes, allowing you to successfully experiment with all kinds of different bread based baked goods. I’ve created an amazing series of 8 different recipes around this one dough that I will release over the next 8 weeks.

You will be blown away by how easy this is to make and how versatile it really is. My favorite thing to do is whip up this master recipe and keep it in the fridge all week long to be turned into whatever my friends and family are craving that day. No special machine needed, and messy kneading. Give this a try and you will see why this is called Crazy Dough.


2 1/2 cup (550 ml 550 g) non-dairy milk, lukewarm
2 tsp sugar
80 g fresh yeast or 4 tsp active dry yeast or 4 tsp instant yeast
6 2/3 cup all-purpose flour 1 kg
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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