Strawberry And Rhubarb Pie

Cover Image for Strawberry And Rhubarb Pie

A delicious tart and sweet combination. Nothing tastes better with vanilla ice cream. Fresh or frozen rhubarb may be used.

We can’t think of two more well-suited summer pie ingredients than strawberry and rhubarb. The sweet-tart pie filling with a flaky crust is just about perfection, and with the season in full swing for these two main ingredients, it’s time to get to some delicious summer baking.

If you have strawberries or rhubarb in your own home gardens or pick up something fresh from a local farmer’s market or grocery store, then all you’ll need is a few kitchen staples to help complete this classic pie recipe.

Everyone I served this to loved it. I, too, halved the strawberries. I used a 1 lb. container. I looked up on another website and it said that 1 lb. of rhubarb is 3 cups, which for me was around 5 stalks, which I halved lengthwise and then chopped into 1/4-inch pieces.

Rhubarb is tart once sweetened and baked and is significantly softened from its naturally fibrous consistency. The ends and leaves must be trimmed off, especially because the leaves are poisonous – who knew something so sweet could also be so dangerous! Sugar is a must here to help sweeten the pie filling and release some of those essential juices that will help make the pie so amazing.

We especially love to use a little bit of orange juice and zest; the hints of citrus add a brightness to the tart and sweet of the filling itself. And brown sugar is another way to bring some full-bodied flavor to the pie.

Great recipe… A helpful hint for making the pie absolutely PERFECT. Try spreading a thin layer of cream cheese on to the bottom of the pie crust before filling. This gives the pie an awesome flavor and keeps the crust from getting soggy!

We love a good homemade pie crust and we promise that if you’ve never made one before it’s not at all difficult. But, when our time is short we have no objections to grabbing our favorite ready-made crust from the store.

Not only does this shave a little time off of the cooking process, but it also means we get to eat pie a little bit sooner! And it’s a great opportunity to practice your pie decorating skills; go with a simple crust topping, try out a basketweave or whatever your creative side wants to bring out.

Excellent combination of such a tart vegetable and sweet fruit. The key is letting the rhubarb and strawberry mixture “marinate” in the sugar, to bring out some flavor. My guests raved, and I will definitely make it again.


Pie Filling:
2 cups strawberries, hulled and chopped
3 ½ cups rhubarb stalks, cut into ½ inch pieces
½ cup granulated sugar

To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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