Secret Ingredient Meatloaf

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I know there are some people who don’t like meatloaf–but I don’t understand those people! I personally love meatloaf, and I know Josh does too. It’s a relatively quick and easy meal to make, and since I use ground turkey most of the time, it’s not too unhealthy.

My problem was that I never had a recipe, so I just mixed ingredients until the consistency seemed right. I used eggs, breadcrumbs, Worcestershire sauce, and spices. It always tasted good, but often it came out crumbly or too dense. And then someone shared this meatloaf recipe with me, and my life was changed!

Are you dying to know what the secret ingredient is?

Stuffing mix! Here’s the magical recipe:

  • 1 Pound Ground Meat (Beef or Turkey)
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Box Stuffing Mix
  • 1 Cup Water

Mix everything together, smoosh it into a loaf pan, and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes.

I have made this a couple of times now, and it turns out perfect every time. I love that it doesn’t require guesswork! The consistency is always perfect, and thanks to the spices in the stuffing mix, it tastes delicious. We had this last night with roasted broccoli and corn on the cob, and it was perfect!



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