Mom’s Best Potato Salad

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Okay, that might be a pretty bold statement, stating this potato salad as the best. I’ve shared several variations of potato salad here including the more complicated, throw everything in but the kitchen sink Stetson Chunky Potato Salad to my Roasted Potato Salad with Bacon Dressing to my Loaded Baked Potato Salad that has definitely risen in the ranks of favorites.

But I’ve yet to share the number one potato salad that worms its way into nearly every BBQ, picnic or just good old fashioned supper at my house, the one I’m proud as punch to share when I go to other’s homes as well.

This classic potato salad is the one I grew up on. It’s the recipe my Grandma Mary Jane made, then passed onto my mom who made it accompany every hamburger, grilled ribs or other summer deliciousness, and who then passed it onto me and my sister. It’s the recipe I spent many a summer afternoon making alongside my amazing mama, just like she did with hers. In fact, I’ve made it so many times I don’t even need the recipe. You know a recipe is that good when you know it by heart.

So, here’s how to make the best potato salad ever. Let’s get started…

  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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