5) Make sure your tomato smells sweet and earthy
If your tomato is lacking a sweet and earthy smell, then it’s likely that it will also lack in flavor. The more pungent your tomato is the tastier it should be.
6) Small tomatoes should be plump and smooth.
Your cherry or grape tomatoes should also have intense and consistent coloring. Make sure they aren’t wrinkled or wilted looking.
You’ll also want to do a sniff test on these as well to make sure they haven’t spoiled.

7) Finally, the best tomatoes usually come from closer to where YOU live
Foreign tomatoes are picked while they are un-ripened and shipped long distance. Local tomatoes don’t have to be shipped long distance, so they are ripened on the vine which means more flavor.
Not only will they taste better, but more likely than not, they’ll be cheaper too!

Now that you’ve chosen the best tomatoes from your grocer or farmer’s market, you’ll want to store them to ensure that they stay tasty and ripe.
The number one rule for storing tomatoes is to NEVER refrigerate your tomatoes.
According to Rodale’s OrganicLife, putting your tomatoes in the refrigerator because this will damage the membranes on the inside of your tomato. This stops the ripening process and loses its fresh flavor. They should be left out on the counter where they will fully ripen.
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Source: Shareably.co
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