Homemade Blackberry Cobbler

Cover Image for Homemade Blackberry Cobbler

In the coming days and weeks, I’m going to be blowing the lid off the international debate about cobbler. ‘Round these parts, cobbler is everywhere. Particularly in the summertime, various fruit cobblers can be found at diners, church potlucks, family picnics, and parole coming home parties. And one thing I’ve found is that everyone—everyone—has his own idea of what cobbler is.

The “real” cobbler recipe, from what my research indicates, involves spooning a biscuity topping on top of fruit and baking the dish in the oven. When baked, the topping creates a “cobbled” effect—hence the name. My mother-in-law’s cobbler, on the other hand, is topped with a flat pie crust, and some folks even tear up pieces of crust and mix them in with the fruit. I happen to prefer the recipe I’m posting today, my stepmother Patsy’s recipe, which is probably farther away from actual cobbler than any other…but that doesn’t make it any less yummy.

That’s my purpose for this series of posts—not to determine, when it’s all said and done, which interpretation of cobbler is the best, but to lay out for you all the options you have, and to encourage you to make all of them, and to give myself an valid excuse to try them and eat them ’til I bloat in the interest of culinary curiosity. I need all the rationalization I can get.

  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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