Good-for-You Cheesy Chicken And Rice Casserole – Weight Watchers Approved!

Cover Image for Good-for-You Cheesy Chicken And Rice Casserole – Weight Watchers Approved!

Are you tired of eating the same old cheesy chicken casseroles? Well, folks, do I ever have a surprise in store for you today. This recipe is for a cheesy chicken casserole but it combines healthy ingredients like low-fat sour cream, too! it turns out so amazingly well I can barely describe it to you without my stomach rumbling in hunger. Plus, this recipe is super easy to make and that’s always great! Did I mention that it is healthy for you and Weight Watchers approved?

This cheesy chicken casserole is super creamy, which I love. I enjoy bringing this dish with me to church potlucks or other events where eating is required. My oldest daughter learned how to make this casserole and she is a whizz at it! I think she will be a very good cook someday as she is already. I like allowing my kids to help me in the kitchen because it teaches them good character. There’s nothing like making your family a wholesome meal to make yourself feel proud.

This is one of the casseroles that you are going to wish that there are leftovers so that you can eat it again on another day.
Check out what my pals over at Laaloosh had to say about this:
This Cheesy Chicken and Rice Bake has been around forever, but my healthy makeover turns it into an absolutely delicious Weight Watchers Casserole Recipe that gives you a lot of bang for your Points Plus. Each creamy, carb-y and cheesy serving is just 7 Points +, so pair it with a light salad or fresh tomato soup for a complete, and very satisfying, meal. It makes a great family meal that is healthy, flavorful, and still able to help you stay on track to reach your Weight Watchers goals. So if you are just too hot and tired to bust out the grill today, stay in the air conditioning and make this fantastic low calorie Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole instead! Keep cool, and enjoy the holiday!
I love these classic recipes that have been passed down from one generation to the next, don’t you? Especially when they are healthy!
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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