Fluffy Orange Cream Fruit Dessert – It’s A Hit With The Kids!

Cover Image for Fluffy Orange Cream Fruit Dessert – It’s A Hit With The Kids!

This year, she was leaving the elementary and moving on to the middle school, so it was kind of a big deal. I wanted to make sure that she took a special snack that she could be proud to walk through the classroom doors with. I’m somewhat ashamed to admit that I’m that mom that usually sends something that is prepackaged in a box from the store. The kids will eat anything as long as it’s a “snack,” but I wanted to do something more.
It was light, summery, fruity, and just the right amount of sweetness to still please tiny taste buds. I was certain this would go over well with her schoolmates. When she came home with an empty bowl and a big smile, I knew it was a success.

I had extra ingredients so I made the same thing to go with dinner that night. Much to my surprise, my picky twin boys, who never eat fruit, gobbled this right up along with their meal. I nodded my head in approval at my husband, and he mirrored me knowing we had tricked them into eating their fruits finally!

I make this for my kids for an afternoon snack all the time. It makes me feel better knowing that they are loading up on fruits instead of chips and cookies. Even though there are a few sugary items in here, it is loaded down with healthy stuff too. There are never any leftovers when I make it as a treat, but if I want to serve it with dinner, I can spread it out among the kids, my husband, and myself so that everyone can get a little taste. I would recommend that you don’t leave this in the fridge too long as the fruits will start to get soggy.

Sometimes, I make this and eat it for breakfast… delish!


20 oz can Dole pineapple chunks drained
11 oz can mandarin oranges, drained
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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