The gentleman became an unwitting host soon after eating raw sushi that was contaminated with parasites known as anisakid nematodes.
After the man ended up in the hospital with severe abdominal pain and vomiting, doctors performed an endoscopy. It revealed swollen intestines, which was caused by the big fat larval worm that had dotingly attached itself to it.
The first human infection of anisakiasis was documented in the Netherlands in the 1960’s, and it’s been on the rise ever since.
“A few decades ago, doctors did not know this infection.”
Many cases have appeared in other countries, most notably Japan, where raw fish is consumed with regularity.
However, that doesn’t mean that your delicate innards are safe just because you don’t live in Japan.
The “good” news is that this parasite won’t grow into an adult inside of you, so it can’t lay eggs. It’ll eventually get sloughed away and go bye-bye.
But, eventually might not be soon enough. In the meantime, these baby stomach worms can still seriously harm or kill you! That’s the really bad news.
Before the worms die, they can produce a disgusting inflamed mass in your esophagus, intestines, or stomach. This can lead to abdominal bleeding, and a whole host of other uncomfortable ailments.
Some folks may even develop an allergic reaction, including anaphylaxis, which can cause difficulty with breathing, unconsciousness, and even death.
Currently, the only treatment for this parasite is removal by endoscopy. Do you want to know how the doctors “catch” this worm? With a net. No joke!
Is that bite of sushi really worth all of this?
Be warned, the video below of a parasitic worm may turn you off sushi forever.
I had no idea… Yuck! Do you think you’ll ever eat sushi again after learning about this killer parasite?
Sources: CNN –
Image Credit: Twitter/Meirion Jones
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