Dazzle-Me-Doo Razzle Berry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

Cover Image for Dazzle-Me-Doo Razzle Berry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

Raspberries. I have a love/hate relationship with them.
Sometimes they are awesome, other times are yucky. They are bursting full of juice which I love. But they also are a bit fuzzy which I hate. Now depending on how they are served, I can totally eat them by the handful, while other times, well, let’s just say I wish they were not on the table.
Anyway, whenever I find an ingredient that I do not like, I try to find a way to turn it into something I would like. For example, cherries. I have always detested cherries. But recently, I shared a recipe where I took what I detested and made it into a cheesecake lush dessert that is positively amazing.
Those are the things I love to do. Now raspberries are the same. I have taken this ingredient which I have never been truly fond of and worked with it until I found a way to make it totally delicious. Today, to make this so good, I am sharing with you a Raspberry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake recipe that is out of this world! It is full of delicious flavors and the perfect thing to wake you up in the morning!

I have made this coffee cake in so many ways. It used to be a plain, cinnamon sugar coffee cake, but now, I have switched it up to include more than just that. I added the layer of cream cheese, which makes it luxurious and comforting, and then I added the layer of fruit, which in this case is raspberries. Both additions have added a new texture and flavor that otherwise cannot be recreated. It is just absolutely delicious!
I mean, can it really truly get any better than this? Yeah, I didn’t think so. This is creamy, crunchy and juicy all on one plate. You are going to love this!

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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