Cream of Cauliflower Soup

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TOP Reviews:

So easy and so good! I did change a few things, like using heavy cream in place of milk (3/4 c.) since I had some I needed to get rid of. Honestly, if I was in a bind, and had neither, I thought the soup would have been fine without any dairy or extra liquid added (based on both flavor and thickness of the soup). Depends on your own personal tastes. I also added an extra carrot, used an eyeballed amount of fresh grated nutmeg, skipped the sherry altogether and added 2-3 tbsp. of parsley to the soup instead of using it as a garnish. I added it at the same time as the cauliflower. Finally, I followed others advice and held back a bit of the veggies to add back to the puree. I was so pleased with the versatility of this recipe, that I think I will be using it for a very long time to come. [Edit: I wrote this review in 2008 and it’s now 2014. I’m still making this soup with a few other alterations. I don’t bother blending or pureeing this soup at all anymore. I find that I like having a more rustic feel, with bits and chunks from using a potato masher (just mashing until I get a consistency I like). I still skip the dairy completely and I never used the sherry (you just don’t really need either of those ingredients, especially the way I make it). I still add the parsley into the soup (nice handful finely chopped, no measuring needed) and also add a medium sized sweet potato (sliced thinly for faster cooking). The sweetness pairs well with the fresh grated nutmeg I use.]

This soup is an awesome addition to a cold winters day! I added lots of shredded cheddar before serving with french garlic bread.
I also added a few very small florets of cauliflower and simmered at the end for extra added texture. This is a keeper!

I made this for my husband who loves cauliflower and he raved about it! I added a half moon size of amish swiss cheese when the soup was done and just let it melt in. It wasn’t a strong cheese flavor but really enhanced this soup! I HIGHLY recommend trying it this way!! ENJOY!

This is a fantastic soup! I pureed all but one cup of the veggies and mixed those back in at the end. I topped mine off with a little shredded Monteray Jack cheese. My 2 year old liked it a lot too. This recipe is a keeper, quick to make and very satifying.

Delicious and very gourmet soup recipe. It takes a bit of time to cut up the vegetables but is well worth the effort. I would not exceed the 1/8 tsp of nutmeg as it almost overpowers the natural vegetable taste. Also, use very fine black pepper to avoid a gritty taste. Recipe is very yummy!!

This was a delicious soup! I’m looking forward to making it a second time for guests! The sherry complemented the recipe and the potatoes was a great way to cut down on the fat!

This recipe needed some tweaking. There is so little fat in this recipe (which is awesome!!) that is does fall a bit short on flavor as written. Things I did differently: 1) Roasted my cauliflower 1st with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic in a 400 degree oven, which gave it more depth…mmmm! 2) Left the skin on my potatoes, which is easier and healthy for you. 3) Added broccoli and celery that needed to be used up (and it pumped up the flavor). 4) left some of the veggies chunky for texture, and didn’t puree the entire batch, like other did. 5) Added more garlic than the recipe called for. 6) I even added thyme and a bay leaf. 7) Served with shredded cheddar on top. After the modifications, it was yummy and satisfying. I should mention that I had no sherry or nutmeg, which could be another reason it needed the modifications.


1 head cauliflower, cored and chopped
1 large onion, chopped
2 large potatoes, peeled and chopped
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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