A couple of weeks ago, my neighbor Anne called. I freaked out. She never calls! She only runs over to my house whenever she wants to talk to me.
Since I work from home, I am always there so she takes advantage of that and hangs out at my house all day long. Well anyway, she called to ask if I had any sort of jam. I told her I had my usual strawberry and grape, but I did not recall if I had any others. Well, that was cue enough to knock her into her senses. She quickly hung up on me and ran over.
When she arrived, I noticed she was lugging a little Tupperware full of little white somethings. I asked her what in the world that was and she just looked at me and said, “simply the best cookies ever.” She did not let me try them immediately because she said they needed something. So she took all my jars of jam, lined them up and placed one cookie in front of each. Then she dolloped a bit on each one and told me to choose one. I took the strawberry and after taking a bite of these, I knew exactly what she meant.
Photo courtesy of Martha Stewart.
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