Chicken Casserole Just Like Cracker Barrel’s

Cover Image for Chicken Casserole Just Like Cracker Barrel’s

I’m a country girl. I’ve lived in the same small town my entire life. Part of living in this area is knowing and trusting everyone around you. It’s a great place to live, and a wonderful place to raise children. I wouldn’t change it for the world. My sister, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to get out of our little village. She wanted the big city life and she wasn’t stopping until she got it. After she got married, that’s exactly what her and her husband did was move about an hour away to a much bigger area.

I loved to go visit them, but it wasn’t any place that I would want to live. Part of the appeal of going to the big city is the choices that are available when it comes time to go out to eat. In my town, we have one choice. Where they live, there’s about 100! One trip she took me to the Cracker Barrel.

I had the most amazing chicken casserole ever. I just knew that I could copycat it at home though, and I found this recipe on Group Recipes that allowed me to do just that. It was almost identical…and I think even better!

Recipe courtesy of Group Recipes. Photo credits to Little Kitchen on the Prairie.


Quick Tip: Use turkey instead of chicken.

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