Caramel Crescent Ring Recipe

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TOP Reviews:

Oh Yay! I’ve never made any kind of bread from scratch before, and I was really nervous about this one. I was simply ASTOUNDED by how easy it really was. Particularly rolling out the dough. And it rose so beautifully. I feel so accomplished and they taste wonderful! LATER NOTE: After making these several times, I accidentally discovered that letting the rolls sit an extra hour before putting them in the oven actually makes them significantly better. LATER LATER NOTE: I wanted a wheat roll one evening, so I substituted half the white flour for whole wheat flour, and the results were still excellent.

These rolls are wonderful. I had to bake them at 325 degrees because the 400 degrees that the recipe calls for burned them at the bottom while failing to cook the top. Like other readers, I had to extend each rise for about an hour. I also substituted butter for the shortening (because of the health risks associated with shortening), and they still tasted great. I served them hot with honey butter, and they were a big hit! These are more dense than a croissant, but less dense than, say, a yeast roll. Yummy! Thanks for sharing!

WOO HOO.. I did it with the help from my fellow foodies support. These were wonderful. I divided the recipe as there is only two of us. I made crescents for dinner. Then I made Cinnamon Rolls for dessert. I put butter, cinnamon, brown sugar on the dough after rolling out. Rolled that up and sliced, put in round pan to raise. When they came out I topped with cream cheese frosting II from this site. I had some in the fridge, it keeps very well. It melted over these very nicely. Thanks so much!!

These are great!! Not a croissant, but much lighter than an average roll. I’ve made them 4 times now, and they’re fairly “fool-proof”, as I’ve made mistakes (letting them sit too long) and they still turn out fine.

Highly recommended, dough works great in a bread machine.

I have tried many roll recipes on this site and others and this is without a doubt my favorite. My 5-year old rated it as such “5 fingers plus one thumb on the other hand so it gets 6 stars!” 🙂 It was incredibly easy to make. I used my bread machine and set it to the dough cycle. I used a pizza cutter to cut the wedges and placed the rolls on parchment-lined cookie sheets. IMPORTANT NOTE: I have to believe this baking temp of 400 is incorrect. I took the advice of other reviewers and lowered my temp to 350. My rolls were perfectly golden brown in exactly 9 minutes. I brushed the tops with melted butter as suggested and these are absolutely heavenly. I’m not even sure if I’ll ever bother with another roll recipe after this. They’re so pretty and so tasty, unbelievable. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe, it is without a doubt a keeper. I’ve already printed it out and put it in my 3-ring binder…only the best recipes go in there! 🙂


2 (8 oz.) cans refrigerated crescent rolls
16 large marshmallows
1/2 cup brown sugar
  To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes, Go to the next page.

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