Best ever meatloaf

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I’m still in full-blown comfort food mode over here. The pile of snow outside my house continues to grow. I can barely see the road when I look out the window. Spring seems like a million years away. So I continue to find solace in food. Chicken pot pie, breakfast casserole, chili and now delicious meatloaf. The BEST meatloaf! I dug up my mother’s handwritten meatloaf recipe from my archives and used it as my guide. She always made the yummiest meatloaf. I don’t remember ever eating meatloaf as good as hers. I tweaked her recipe just a teeny bit, added a sauce and just like that the Best Ever Meatloaf was born. If you have qualms about meatloaf at all, the name or the taste, I ask that you set them aside. This recipe will not disappoint!

In a large bowl, combine the following:

Note: This recipe really does work best with a leaner meat such as turkey, venison or a super lean beef. The fattier the meat, the more likely you will encounter grease issues. The lean meat will not take away from the flavor AT ALL. Promise.

Mix everything together with your hands until thoroughly combined. You might want to remove your rings first to avoid having beef-filled jewelry.

Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and spread evenly.

Another important side note! Place the pan on a rimmed baking sheet before putting it into the oven. Meat juices will be bubbling over the edge and I don’t want you to burn your house down while making meatloaf. That would cause me a lifetime of guilt.

Bake in the preheated oven for 1 1/2 hours.

Please continue to Next Page (>) for the full list of ingredients and complete cooking instructions.

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