Amish-Inspired Macaroni Salad – Easy Like A Sunday Morning

Cover Image for Amish-Inspired Macaroni Salad – Easy Like A Sunday Morning

My very first grandchild was graduating from high school last year. I was so proud of her. She was even the salutatorian at her school. She tried so hard to make it to the top. I couldn’t have been happier for her. Soon she would be going off to college and I knew it was only going to get better in life for her. Before she went though, we wanted to hold a little party in her honor. She didn’t want a big graduation party. She didn’t want her parents spending the money.
That just goes to show you what kind of girl she is. It was just going to be the family, and two of her closest pals that came over for a BBQ that summer. My daughter asked if I could help by making a salad. Not a problem! I’m more than happy to help out.
I decided on a homestyle macaroni salad that I saw on Kitchen Nostalgia. It was one that I had been waiting to try, but I wanted to do it for the perfect occasion. This was it! It was a really nice gathering we had and the mac salad got cleaned right out.

Recipe courtesy of Kitchen Nostalgia. Photo credits to Guestarecoming.

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