10 Rules That Separate Wise Families and Good Ones

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6. Nothing Goes Unnoticed

Some modern psychologists will warn you not to praise every little scribble your child draws; this will apparently encourage them to strive for better work. However, wise parents know that it’s healthy to give attention to every accomplishment.
Don’t brush off that drawing they made you at school! Give verbal praise, hang it up, and even show it off when people come over.

7. Reward Independence

It’s important not just to let your child know that they can do anything, but that they can do anything ON THEIR OWN. This will create an independent mindset that will prove them well in adulthood.
And anytime your child does do something positive and independent, make sure to reward and praise that action.

8. Messy Isn’t Bad

Part of having kids is dealing with a seemingly constant mess. But rather than nag and yell at a child after every mess is made, embrace the mess! This will help your child decide for themselves how they like to live.
As they grow, it’s important to impart to them why tidiness is important. Try cleaning up messes they’ve made WITH them, to show them how important it can be.

9. Challenge Them to Do Thing Themselves

Many children depend on their parents to do almost everything around the house for them. But instead of just doing it, show them how it’s done! Then, in the future, you can challenge them to complete the task all on their own.

10. Teach Self-Control

Instead of punishing a child by taking something away, it’s better to set rules granting a certain benefit for a correct action. Explaining to them why one choice is the right thing to do will teach them, and rewarding that good behavior will imprint in their mind that this action is really beneficial.

Source: Tiphero.com

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